Eat, sleep, snack, repeat

Mar 4, 2019

Hi all,

Lately, I feel like my kids have been more hungry than usual. About the time I finally get home I have to start making dinner, or at the very least come up with a plan. I've been trying to keep fruits in the house to keep them content until dinner. I don't usually make big snacks because like most kids if they have too much of a snack, it will ruin their appetite. If they don't have dinner and only have a big snack, then that means when it's bedtime they start crying that they're hungry. That's about the time I start crying that I'm tired. Anyhow, back to snacks. How many of you eat dinner before 5 pm? Anyone? For those of you who eat later in the evening, do your kids need to have a snack right after school to hold them off?

Growing up I was brought up on coffee with pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread). I've been trying to eat out less and eat healthier at home, but to this day I feel like Pavlov's dogs. If I smell or taste mouth starts to salivate for pan dulce. Thanks, mom and dad. Even now, it's the one routine my parents still hold. After work, they'll gather around the table to have coffee with a sweet treat. Sometimes it's what ever may be around such as vanilla wafer crackers, other glorious days you'll find an assortment of pan dulce on the table. There are even days where I lose the "eating healthy" battle because I'll walk into their kitchen and find my ultimate weakness. Donuts. I love donuts. Glazed, frosted, topped with nuts, topped with sprinkles, mini, large, you name it. I'd like to hear if any of you have a treat you can't resist. Please assure me that I'm not the only one that experiences a connection to other food while eating or drinking something in particular!

Today that leads me to snack time. I'm going to share some of my go-to snacks for the kids while I prepare dinner.

Charcuterie board:

Here I chose Colby Jack cheese and Queso Fresco!

I'd love to think that my kids have a sophisticated side; in all honesty, this snack is very appealing to them because it's a lunchable.

Try to fill with a variety of different fruits, vegetables, nuts, and crackers. I have done this as a dinner meal as well. If you choose to replace your dinner meal for a charcuterie board, add more items to the board so that it is filling. This idea makes for a fun night and the kids will think it's special that you're encouraging their grazing habits.

Tortilla chips with guacamole:

Now this one isn't as fancy, but my kids love avocados. Avocados are filled with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. A better alternative to the packaged bean/cheese dips you can find in the store. Not that our family doesn't partake in a good warm cheese dip! It's all about balance lately. I mash a whole avocado and sprinkle a little garlic and pepper. I try and mix it up and instead do different types of crackers to dip too.

Funny animal toast:

Oh Deboer, your bread never fails to amaze me.

Surprisingly, my kids may be the only kids on earth who are not obsessed with Nutella. Although, I found that they enjoy it on toast with other items. I try and use the fruit that I have on hand and sometimes will only make one slice of toast and split it in half.


Feel free to add any kind of sprinkles you have hanging out in your cupboard.

Notice I said popsicles in quotation marks; this is a healthier alternative and gives the kids the illusion that they're having dessert before dinner. This three-ingredient snack can be made on Sunday night and pop in the freezer so that they can grab what they want during the week. Slice your bananas in half and grab a container of yogurt. Choose any flavor that your kids enjoy. I like that Yoplait has different unique flavors such as cookies and cream, cherry snow cone, and orange creamsicle. Stick a popsicle stick halfway into the banana. Dip your banana in the yogurt and coat evenly. Next, place your banana on a cookie tray lined with parchment paper. Top with sprinkles and pop in the freezer for about 30 minutes. After they are solid, I like to carefully place them laying down in a large Ziploc freezer bag.

I leave you with those ideas my friends, and hope that it makes it easier for you to tame your wild ones. I was secretly trying to enjoy a cup of ice cream under the covers, but my kids must have sensed it from a mile away and have discovered me. Wish me luck while I try to convince them that this momma deserved some uninterrupted ice cream time. I don't usually win that battle!

With love,

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